Soft Toy Design and Prototyping
We make individual custom soft toys as well as designing soft toy production samples, manufacturing patterns and soft toy prototypes.
Soft Toy Design Phase

On receipt of the brief, we do one or more toy design drawings, which include dimensions and notes and fabric samples. At this point, you can request any amendments and decide whether you would like to go ahead with the initial toy. We typically charge £50 for the design phase.
Soft Toy Prototype/ Production Sample
Once the design drawings and fabrics have been approved, we order the fabric in, produce a pattern and construct the first toy. We then send it to you to review.
The cost of the initial toy depends on the complexity of your design, but is typically in the £265 to £530 range.

Design Rights
1. We can produce small runs of up to 50 toys here in the work shop – visit our bulk orders page for more.
2. We can sell you the design rights and you can have the toy produced by another manufacturer. Typically, we charge double the price of producing the toy to include the design rights. This gives you unlimited rights to reproduce the toy.