Tic Toc the Clock


At Picture to Puppet we make custom cuddly toys based on logos, mascots or any characters you send us.

I made this little clock toy for an international franchise of multi lingual kids clubs. The first is a cuddly toy and the second is a glove puppet. Click here for more about our custom cuddly toys:

Custom Soft Toys button                      


Tic toc 1Bambinilingo

At Picture to Puppet we are always proud of the varied and important work our puppets and toys go on to do after leaving the studio.

Here is Tic Toc working hard helping children in class:

Tick Tock in Class

And he also helps promote Bambinilingo at events!

Tick Tock at a trade fair

Contact Me button 2


Contact me if you’ve got a character you’re interested in having made up as a cuddly toy. We’re always interested to hear your ideas!